In a disturbing and heartbreaking incident, an 85-year-old man, Ibrahim Haruna, has been arrested by the Nigerian Security Civil Defence Corps (NSCDC) for allegedly raping a 4-year-old girl in Kongo community, Keffi local government council, Nasarawa state.
The victim’s elder sister raised the alarm after noticing her younger sibling walking with discomfort and blood dripping from her legs. The little girl revealed that Haruna, their neighbor, had lured her into his room and perpetrated the heinous act.
Jerry Victor, the Corps Public Relation Officer, presented a medical report confirming the rape. Haruna denied the allegations, claiming it was a frame-up. However, the NSCDC has vowed to ensure justice is served, handing over the case to the state ministry of justice for speedy trial.
This incident raises concerns about the safety and well-being of children in our communities, especially when perpetrators are those trusted to protect and care for them. The NSCDC’s efforts to combat crime and ensure justice are commendable, and it is essential that we support and cooperate with law enforcement agencies to prevent such atrocities.
In a separate development, the NSCDC arrested three suspected cult members for causing destruction and harassment in Lafia, the state capital. Items recovered from the suspects include locally made pistols, live cartridges, and ammunition. The Corps has reiterated its commitment to reducing crime and vandalism in the state.